Learn All The Skills You Need To Succeed In This New Digital World
Join The #1 Community For Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Today!

Learn from top professors with experience in development and teaching, creating and working with open source in 14 weeks of intense practice.

Develop highly profitable digital marketing skills and master the same strategies that have earned us millions of dollars online, on autopilot.

Learn the secrets to building a successful business from the world's top investors, leaders and expert entrepreneurs.
All You Need To Succeed Is WiFi & A Dream
As an organization, we exist to empower the new generation of thought leaders, developers, creators, digital marketers and entrepreneurs. We are part of a global movement to increase diversity in tech and grow new economies in underserved communities around the world. We enable millennials to become what they want to become in life by learning new skills and leveraging the power of the digital economy. We are living proof that all you need to succeed in this new economy is wifi and a dream.
JOIN DISRUPT TODAY!Join The Disrupt Crypto Bootcamp!
Learn about the most cutting-edge technologies in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry and how these innovations are changing the world. Investing in cryptocurrency assets can be very lucrative if you have the right mentors. Learn from our team of crypto experts on what trends are emerging in 2021 and how to apply those strategies.

Disrupt Coding Bootcamp
Join the 14 weeks and become a Web Developer. At the end of the 14 weeks you will have knowledge in Javascript, Html, Css as well as frameworks and libraries such as Jquery, React and Angular JS. Not only will you be a Front-End Programmer, but you will also learn databases like Mysql, Mongo, and Firebase. Bringing everything together on the Back-end with Node.js.
Join The Disrupt Nation Today!
We are immensely grateful to have this opportunity to build the Disrupt community together. We believe that capitalism, democracy, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship are the tools that can change the world. We will always stand up for your freedom of speech, online privacy and right to speak truth to power.
Join The Disrupt Nation
The Disrupt University platform connects the world top entrepreneurs, developers, creators, and digital marketers and help empower them to teach others the skills they used to grow their careers, chase their passions and create financial freedom for themselves, their families, and their lives, all while living out their true purpose. We recognize the fact that most young people are opting to skip college in exchange for entrepreneurship and real-life experience. This platform was designed to give them a taste of that.